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Recent content by Attila

  1. Attila

    A new foe in the black forest

    I honestly wished wolves were more prevalent in the other biomes. I'll never forget the time when a wolf event popped up when I was deep in the plains. Had to book it to the nearest boulder with barely any stamina left. Wolves are easy to juke in the mountains, but imagine a few of them prowling...
  2. Attila

    Draw bridges, trap doors, ladders

    Please, for the love of God: LADDERS. So many times building in the swamp when I wished I had a way of getting into my tree houses that didn't involve MC Escher-ing my way up the trees with stairs and beams. Those other ideas are kino too.
  3. Attila

    Axe Special Attack

    I hereby suggest the addition of a special attack for the axe, -which currently has none- a (possibly two-handed) vertical, downward swing which uses more stamina, has a longer wind-up, and does more damage compared to normal attacks. It would be perfect for chopping up downed trees, and could...