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Recent content by Nick

  1. Nick

    Patch 0.220.3

    It's once again time for a patch! Today we have a bunch of bug fixes and optimizations for you, such as fixing memory leaks and improving snap points for certain build pieces, and plenty more. Hopefully this patch will mean a smoother Valheim experience for all! Thank you to everyone who helped...
  2. Nick

    Patch 0.220.3 (Public Test)

    Another batch of tweaks for the PTB, including fixing stuff we thought was fixed before 🙈 Patch Notes: Fixes & Improvements: * Staff of Protection is actually once again protecting other players in multiplayer * Hiding UI with CTRL + F3 now also hides sailing UI and Pause Menu UI * A brief...
  3. Nick

    Development Blog: Wildlife Wonders

    Greetings vikings! Another month has gone by and it’s time for another peek into the development of Valheim. We’re happy to see that so many of you seemed excited to follow Hervor Bloodtooth on her Deep North journey, and thus we’d like to share Part 2 with you! Like last time, we will of...
  4. Nick

    Patch 0.220.2 (Public Test)

    Hello vikings! We've got some tweaks and fixes for the current PTB ready for you, so hopefully everything should be working smoothly now! Patch Notes: Fixes & Improvements: * Changed back an assembly name to match the live version (reducing the reasons for mods breaking when the patch goes...
  5. Nick

    Patch 0.220.1 (Public Test)

    It's once again time for a patch! Today we have a bunch of bug fixes and optimizations for you, such as fixing memory leaks and improving snap points for certain build pieces, and plenty more. Hopefully this patch will mean a smoother Valheim experience for all! Abbreviated Patch Notes: *...
  6. Nick

    Development Blog: Hervor Bloodtooth

    Greetings Vikings! We hope you’ve had a good ending to 2024, and that 2025 is treating you well thus far! Here at Iron Gate we’re still fully focused on developing the Deep North biome, and we have our hands full with enemies, weapons and dungeons alike. This month’s teaser is going to take on...
  7. Nick

    Development Blog: Happy Holidays!

    Hello vikings! It’s getting cold and snowy here in our northern part of the world, which is giving us plenty of inspiration for our work on the Deep North. Like we said last time, we’ve got everyone focused on the biome update now, but a lot of what we’ve got cooking we’d like to keep a bit...
  8. Nick

    Development Blog: Lighting the Way

    Hello again vikings! It’s been a while since the last blog post, as we chose to instead just simply post the patch notes for the Bog Witch update last month. Speaking of, we hope you’ve been enjoying the update! If you haven’t checked it out yet, you have some new food and drink, as well as a...
  9. Nick

    Patch 0.219.16

    Hello vikings! We've got a patch full of fixes for you today, now live for everybody! Most importantly are probably those concerning gamepads, as they were having some significant issues. But with the new fixes in place, everything should be back to normal! Aside from the gamepad issues, this...
  10. Nick

    Patch 0.219.16

    A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.
  11. Nick

    Patch 0.219.16 (Public Test)

    Hello vikings! We've got a patch full of fixes for you today! Most importantly are probably those concerning gamepads, as they were having some significant issues. But with the new fixes in place, everything should be back to normal! Aside from the gamepad issues, this patch also addresses some...
  12. Nick

    Patch 0.219.16 (Public Test)

    A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.
  13. Nick

    Patch 0.219.14

    Here comes a hotfix to address the most pressing issues from The Bog Witch update! Patch Notes: Fixes & Improvements: * Fixed an issue making input on controllers where using the inventory and making small movements became very difficult * Player characters no longer sits down when using the...
  14. Nick

    Patch 0.219.14

    A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.
  15. Nick

    Patch 0.219.13 – The Bog Witch

    After a couple of weeks in the Public Test Branch, with tweaks and adjustments, it's now time to release the latest Valheim update to everyone! Valheim: The Bog Witch features a brand new trader to be found in the Swamps, who sells a bunch of different ingredients and materials for you, useful...