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  1. nööli

    NPCs, here me out...

    Awesome ideas I really hope they add something like this. I also thought it would be cool if the NPCs were different races from the norse mythology, for example dwarves, elves or humans. They could also have different purposes, the dwarves would somehow be related to forging armour and...
  2. nööli

    More visual events(warning spoilers for after moder content)

    I didn’t think this completely through and i got new ideas, first an event for the ocean a similar sighting of jormungand the giant snake that circles the world or you could see the squirrel ratatosk run along the world tree that can be seen at the sky at all times.
  3. nööli

    More visual events(warning spoilers for after moder content)

    I recently came across the Thor event where he flies in the sky, it was really cool and got me thinking that adding a similar completely harmless and non interactable event where a giant would march at the edge of the players render distance, or something similar.