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Search results

  1. Taurus Daggerknight

    Saddle Bags

    Hurray for lox riding! Now that we have this... what's the chance of seeing saddlebags at a later date? Basically, add two side-saddle packs with maybe four or six item slots in them (or even just one bag of six slots). Right now, the only way to transport stuff on a lox is to lock yourself in...
  2. Taurus Daggerknight

    Farming Tools

    Quick fire thought here; what's the take on having more farming tools down the road? At the moment, we have two; the cultivator, and the strangely dual purposed atgeir. I was wondering about the possibility of getting stuff like: 1) Scythe or sickle- More or less for the same purpose the...
  3. Taurus Daggerknight

    Usable Horn

    Had another notion for an item that could be both thematically cool, as well as functional; a horn to sound off. Sort of a horn of Gondor type deal; you equip it and blow, which not only would send off a cool sound, but also auto-ping your location with a red variant of the current ping. IMO...
  4. Taurus Daggerknight

    Naming Weapons

    How possible would it be to have a feature that allows us to name our weapons? I know we have pre-set "unique" weapons already, but a big part of the fantasy here is being the traveling warriors with their own special things and all. This particular notion came up because we FINALLY got the...
  5. Taurus Daggerknight

    Marking the Map

    Last night, my friends and I had another thought; would it be possible to implement a map-marking system? I don't just mean dropping a single marker as we have; I mean being able to draw out a circle/ boundary or some such to mark off regions , This would be helpful when trying to mark out...
  6. Taurus Daggerknight

    Combat Adjustment Suggestions

    As with many here, Valheim has absolutely enthralled my friends and I over the last week, and certainly looks to be one of those games that will likely stay with us a good long while. With that said, there are two major issues we generally agreed on; the camera, and combat. The camera issues...