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Chat Needs Work


New Viking
Reaction score
I've been playing on a dedicated server since about Christmas 2021, I absolutely love the game as a whole, but there are some things I'd like to see with the multiplayer aspect (specifically chat) are as follows:
  • The chat window disappears way too fast. Perhaps it could have a setting to adjust the hide time, or even allow it to be persistent.
  • When someone joins the game announces them in chat. Could it also announce when they depart?
    • Also, could it announce deaths?
  • Most everyone on our server always uses the /s "shout" switch to talk, it seems like it could be improved by making that the default instead, then using a switch to have proximity chat. The /w "whisper" function doesn't appear to be much different than the normal un-switched chat. It seems like the whisper could be formatted to be player specific, so like /w <playername> <message>
    • Another idea could be to have tabbed "channels" (server-wide, factions/clans, etc.) like other MMO's
  • The chat opening and closing seems a bit clunky for some reason, and I get stuck with the chat window open sometimes at very inconvenient times (troll attacks for instance).
Overall, it may be worth looking at the chat system in Minecraft or Neverwinter.

Unrelated to chat, but some other suggestions:
  • Hotkeys don't switch fast enough
  • Dedicated offhand and armor slots
  • #9 hotkey