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Beehives should buff nearby crop growth


Local Viking
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Since the Hearthenham changes to food, beehives and honey seem unbalanced to me.

In the before-foods, Honey retained its usefulness later into the game because of it's higher healing factor, even if it provided fewer max hit points than 'better' foods. It's less interesting now, since it seems to just slot in between other stamina foods in a regular tier structure that is useful for awhile, then gets surpassed.

Honey gets less useful after the production of Bronze & Tin unlock the Cultivator and Cauldron. But Beehives are still cool, right? I say they should retain more usefulness later into the game.

Suggestion: Beehives should provide a +1 seeds buff when growing seed-vegetables, within a workshop-sized radius from the hive. Inside the radius, seed plants yield 4 seeds instead of 3.

They shouldn't affect Barley I don't think: actual grasses don't benefit from bees very much, and rebalancing barley wields would affect too many late-tier foods. Flax could go either way - it's used for durable items, so it's needed less often than barley which gets consumed - which makes any change to it's growth pace less meaningful than to food crops you'll keep growing repeatedly.

Maybe placing one near Raspberry or Blueberry bushes could accelerate their cooldown/respawn time by 1/3 as well?

What do you think?


Local Viking
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Excellent idea and one I was thinking of the other day. Wouldn't it be grand if flowering crops such as seed crops would be doubled to 6 instead of 3 if the crop had a nearby beehive, I was thinking. As it is, I place beehives in and around my crops due to my OCB towards game realism., and their entrance/exit always faces east, south, or southeast, exactly like one would in real life if they lived north of the equator ...