Hello Valheim Team and players. First off I would like to say this game is amazing and I find myself playing for hours on end loving almost every moment. That said what I don't love is giant blobs of unexplored areas on my map. In this post I wish to try and propose possible solutions to getting rid of these areas of unexplored lands and seas without the player having to needlessly run and sail around for hours on end.
#1 A new armor set, the armor will set will provide a bonus to the sight radius round the players map icon, able to see double maybe triple the normal radius. I'm not suggesting increasing the render distance but just the area around the player icon. This armor could be made out of thread, jute, mistlands tier ingredients, or a combination of them all. The armor itself could have a low defense rating similar to leather armor to offset the power of exploration it gives you.
#2 A new type of structure maybe some sort of totem. It could be made with yggdrasil wood, nails of some sort, tree sap and a lot of Greydrwarve eyes. Because the totem is made from the yggdrasil tree wood it has a connection to the plane. It could reveal a large location around the totem. Or even maybe it slowly reveals the area around the totem growing larger and larger as days pass to maximum size. (Enough to reveal an entire landmass maybe). This still encourages players to explore deep into unknown territory to build the structure. I'm additionally you could make it take something like a forge or metal ingots so players cannot simply teleport to all their portals to set one up. It requires effort.
#3 a new kind of boat. Larger than the Krave but smaller than the Longship. And explorers vessel. It's a little slower than the Longshot but more maneuverable. In addition the boat could have a built in fireplace to cook rations for long adventuring and a wooden chest size storage. While steering the vessel it could have the same effect that my #1 post has, a larger map revealing radius around the player.
I have some other ideas but those three I feel are the most balanced and fit in the game setting the most. Thank you for your time
#1 A new armor set, the armor will set will provide a bonus to the sight radius round the players map icon, able to see double maybe triple the normal radius. I'm not suggesting increasing the render distance but just the area around the player icon. This armor could be made out of thread, jute, mistlands tier ingredients, or a combination of them all. The armor itself could have a low defense rating similar to leather armor to offset the power of exploration it gives you.
#2 A new type of structure maybe some sort of totem. It could be made with yggdrasil wood, nails of some sort, tree sap and a lot of Greydrwarve eyes. Because the totem is made from the yggdrasil tree wood it has a connection to the plane. It could reveal a large location around the totem. Or even maybe it slowly reveals the area around the totem growing larger and larger as days pass to maximum size. (Enough to reveal an entire landmass maybe). This still encourages players to explore deep into unknown territory to build the structure. I'm additionally you could make it take something like a forge or metal ingots so players cannot simply teleport to all their portals to set one up. It requires effort.
#3 a new kind of boat. Larger than the Krave but smaller than the Longship. And explorers vessel. It's a little slower than the Longshot but more maneuverable. In addition the boat could have a built in fireplace to cook rations for long adventuring and a wooden chest size storage. While steering the vessel it could have the same effect that my #1 post has, a larger map revealing radius around the player.
I have some other ideas but those three I feel are the most balanced and fit in the game setting the most. Thank you for your time