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Frustrations Docking a Longboat

Scion Dracos

Local Viking
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The sailing in this game is paradoxical.
On the one hand I have a lot of fun out on the open water with the wind at my back just looking for new lands and places to explore and exploit.
Thing is?
Attempting to dock that longboat is, without a doubt, the single most frustrating, blood-pressure raising experience in pure frustration that I've encountered in the game.
I have sailed before.
I find it relaxing and enjoyable.
I can effortlessly... as in without even thinking about it... pull up to a dock with just a little bump.
In game?
What did you do?
This is a MONSTROUSLY aggravating experience.
It's not just that I can't plot a line. I see a line that I want to follow and miss it by HUNDREDS of meters.
Like... what?


New Viking
Reaction score
I agree, ramming the boat onto shore so it doesn't float away is not very fun and kind of counter productive. And then if your in a hurry (running from mobs) (deathsquito's!) Or whatever else, having to push the boat off shore because its high and dry on the sand bank is also a problem.

I have mentioned this before and not sure anybody else has but I think if we could get anchors we could drop on the big boat out off shore would help keep it in tip top shape from leeches, necks, or skeletons and then a little paddle boat we could drop down and paddle into shore would definitely be a nice luxury, along with a fixing table on the boat for tools/weapons.

Also storage on the boat would be nice too 😀
Haven't tried crafting a storage chest on a boat yet, might have to try that 2maro lol


Local Viking
Reaction score
The boat is definitely a bit clumsy. There's an easy solution, although it breaks immersion a bit - just get the ship gliding towards where you want to be, exit the controls, and when you're in the right spot JUMP OUT. The ships will only drift while you're in them, so the moment you get out they stop instantly and stay in that fixed location til you get back in.

They can be attacked, obviously, but won't take wave damage from grounding into sand so just don't park over a rock and it should be good when you get back.

Onyx - there is storage in the ships already, the hatch in the deck in front of the mast. Do you just want more than what's there?


New Viking
Reaction score
The boat is definitely a bit clumsy. There's an easy solution, although it breaks immersion a bit - just get the ship gliding towards where you want to be, exit the controls, and when you're in the right spot JUMP OUT. The ships will only drift while you're in them, so the moment you get out they stop instantly and stay in that fixed location til you get back in.

They can be attacked, obviously, but won't take wave damage from grounding into sand so just don't park over a rock and it should be good when you get back.

Onyx - there is storage in the ships already, the hatch in the deck in front of the mast. Do you just want more than what's there?

The boat is definitely a bit clumsy. There's an easy solution, although it breaks immersion a bit - just get the ship gliding towards where you want to be, exit the controls, and when you're in the right spot JUMP OUT. The ships will only drift while you're in them, so the moment you get out they stop instantly and stay in that fixed location til you get back in.

They can be attacked, obviously, but won't take wave damage from grounding into sand so just don't park over a rock and it should be good when you get back.

Onyx - there is storage in the ships already, the hatch in the deck in front of the mast. Do you just want more than what's there?
Ah ok, didn't know that bit of info. Thanks for
The boat is definitely a bit clumsy. There's an easy solution, although it breaks immersion a bit - just get the ship gliding towards where you want to be, exit the controls, and when you're in the right spot JUMP OUT. The ships will only drift while you're in them, so the moment you get out they stop instantly and stay in that fixed location til you get back in.

They can be attacked, obviously, but won't take wave damage from grounding into sand so just don't park over a rock and it should be good when you get back.

Onyx - there is storage in the ships already, the hatch in the deck in front of the mast. Do you just want more than what's there?
Ah ok thanks for that bit of info @Jerxes

This is definitely going to help because I moved bases and I need to voyage to my old base to bring my ores to my new base and I was wondering how I was going to accomplish this. 👍