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Guide Suggestions


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Looking for suggestions on new guide content that might help new players to the game (or even players that have been playing for awhile).

Let me know if you'd like video form (we've got a YouTube setup now!) or written guides and I'll start to work on them :)


Local Viking
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- Dismantle old ruins or houses for blueprints (axe or workbench with the hammer).
- Sit down campfire X brings resting bonus (good for / in Dungeons, Crypts, Troll Caves etc.)
- Running without equipped weapon or tool brings longer stamina just press R to put it away and again R to pull it out
- In stone circles or conspicuous stone formations can be treasures and bones, there pickaxe
- Bronze pickaxe as the first thing to do after smelting
- Pine trees give heartwood (Mighty Hammer)
- Blocking is less efficient Parrying, but easier
- Copper is in the black forest, tin is there by the water
- Dying also costs skill points level
- Swimming without stamina costs life but you don't die immediately
- A fire should be in the house to not go out in rain or storm, provide for air exhaust otherwise poisoning
- Spears can be thrown with middle mouse button
- New game with old character gets inventory items and skills of the character, can be used to e.g. farm dungeons or get back lost important items.
- Before going to bed, completely fill up the coal factory and the smelter. In the morning they are ready
- With the cultivator grass can be sown again
- In the house put a deer skin on the floor increases the comfort level in the house and resting bonus
- Seeds must be 2 apart, best with the 1x1 wooden floor set as a ruler and scale
- Trees must be separated by two large Wood foundations see seeds
- Three seeds can be obtained from one carrot
- Weapon skills can be trained e.g. on big stones, important e.g. for axe as melee weapon
- Fix on a melee weapon, axe is recommended because it is also a tool (less stuff = more space for inventory and weight)
- Left-click map markers to cross them out (e.g. dungeon completed)
- Several workbenches increase the radius and the size of the settlement (put a roof over them or they will fall apart)
- Birches can be cut down by other trees falling down, so you can make better things right at the beginning (Finebow)
- Big trolls with treelogs can be abused as lumberjacks or miners, just dodge and let him hit, especially for pine and birch interesting e.g. Finebow
- Wooden structures are damaged by rain, unless they have a roof, e.g. woodpiles and unfortunately also gates. Fences and piles are excluded
- When constructing buildings, make sure that the individual components are connected, e.g. walls that are not directly connected to the roof will also suffer decay damage.

- Breeding
Blueberry 4%
Raspberry 12%
Mushroom 13%
Carrots 13%
Avoid Honey and yellow mushrooms
More food can be thrown in, but only 1 piece at a time, no stacks recomended
Tamed animals only need to be fed every few days. Daily is unnecessary consumption.
Use carrots for mating.
Sufficient space is necessary for mating, optimal is several small enclosures with two each mating and slaughtering mach and after, incest 4tw.
Slaughter with bow to avoid accidentally killing several.
Wild hunting still more effective than breeding, goes faster and costs no food.
Tamed wild boars can be easily pushed with the block key with a Shield to move them e.g. to another enclosure.

Maybe that helps a little bit :D


Local Viking
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Three components of base security:

Perimeter Pathing Barrier - walls or unpathable steep ground to ensure outside creatures remain outside, but they do not prevent enemies spawning inside the walls, especially at night.
Workbench/Campfire radius - creatures will not spawn within the radius of a workbench/campfire. Create multiple workbenches arranged around your camp to put the entire fenced-in area within the workbench radii.
Security Guards - wolves make excellent bouncers, but will chew through walls/bldgs/fences to reach enemies on the other side.

Early in the game you can secure a base with a defensive perimeter, and anti-spawn coverage over the entire area inside the fence, extending at least somewhat outside the fence.
Time and materials permitting, you want to circle your camp with an interlocking ring of workbench/area-control-huts (described below) to push enemy spawning back further from your camp. This can be done with meadow-level technology, but you probably don't need serious security til you've dropped a boss or two. (Angry boar and necks aren't good at leveling a whole town)
Once you have wolves available, they make a great security force, but you want to create perimiter openings for them so they don't destroy the fences to get enemies outside. If you breed enough wolves, you can station a belt of them around the entire camp to eat any enemies outside the fence.

A fully enclosed workbench is the best way I've found to turn off enemy spawning in a chosen area. Creatures will not spawn in a workbench radius, but exposed workbenches are quickly destroyed since non-animal enemies will attach a workbench on sight. For 30 wood, you can create a completely enclosed workbench with no line of sight to the outside. The building won't get attacked since they enemies don't aggro on basic construction parts. If you see enemies attacking a building, I believe they are probably swinging at some component inside besides the walls.

Enclosed area-control hut:
Workbench: 10 wood
6 Wall panels (two squares long, one wide): 2 wood/each, 12 total
2 roof-peak sections over middle sections: 2 wood/each, 4 total
2 X-roof braces over end walls: 2 wood/each, 4 total

Total: 30 wood each.

To get perfect anti-spawn coverage, the workbench radius circles need to overlap, since creatures will spawn in the little trianglar gaps between circles. In construction modes, you can see the radius of an existing workshop and build a few temporary vertical posts to mark the edge. When you build the next workshop, you can watch the new radius to see if it reaches posts marking the edge of the old one.

A patchy network of workbench circles may give good anti-spawn coverage that gets worse over time, since the spawn points seem to shift over time and enemies will start spawning in the gaps between circles after a while.

area control hut.jpg


Local Viking
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Don't worry if your game is "Not Responding" when you load it. It's a big game and still in development. I'm sure the devs will get around to making a loading video at some point, but they need to get the biomes and mobs done first.

Also, keep in mind that there may be several updates each month, so item behavior might change.

Equip your torch first thing until you can make a club.

Build a "Dojo" around a rock that's about your height. and give it all the comfort items. You can raise skill points by attacking the rock. The only thing you can't increase this way is blocking. To increase blocking equip your shield and block greylings attacks.

Concentrate your hunting on boar and neck for the first few game days. You'll need a lot of scraps.

Larger items have weight values which limits how much you can carry. You can't max your inventory with rocks and wood like in MineCraft.

Wood and rock stacks look nice, but storing these in chests takes less room and keeps them from deteriorating.