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Losing items when game client crashes


Local Viking
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I have a crashing problem with Valheim and I keep losing items when the client locks up. Basically, when it crashes my inventory reverts to the last known inventory saved on the server - deleting any items I've picked up since most recent login to the game world. Is there a way to get the server to record a chain-of-custody transfer from the world to my character without logging out? Occasionally I see it's saved items more recent that the last login, but hasn't happened enough for me to read a pattern there - maybe it backs your inventory when you sleep?
Or a server setting to store that more often? Any suggestions?

Note: Of course I'd love to get the crashing problem solved in the first place, but I need a more stable video card, and with the pandemic/chip shortage/stupid bitcoin that's absurdly more difficult than it should be.


New Viking
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Recently crashed feeding my wolves, then when I loaded back in it reverted to the last save of me after i had recently died. It was on a friend's server and everything else was the same so my grave did not exist so i lost my iron grieves, my lvl 4 fine bow, level 2 iron mace and other resources


Local Viking
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Ugh we had one case of this where the Wife "Died" on a Leviathan in the Ocean, the server reverted to pre sea voyage but her inventory was still empty from the "Death"

As we were playing co op I simply logged as Admin and spawned back her missing items as it wasn't even giving us the option to pick up the floating tombstone (I should make that clear we were not aware of the glitch till we sailed back and no Grave marker on or near the Leviathan (which was back on the surface)

Untill the team can prevent such desync glitches, respawnign the lost stuff back as admin (possibly on your own computer game with the affected character) may be the ony way to "Fix" this.


Local Viking
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...till we sailed back and no Grave marker on or near the Leviathan (which was back on the surface)
So from a player perspective - ugh, that sounds super annoying. From a technical perspective that just makes me really curious - is the tombstone inside the leviathan?

(full disclosure, I totally don't expect you to try a bit of this, but like I said - I'm curious) Did you get the Leviathan to submerge when you went back, to check the bare ocean where it was? If that wasn't too long ago and you feel like it, you could make it swim off and see if there's a tombstone floating in the newly-vacated sea where it was?

I find that interactions going in the player-to-world direction are recorded properly, even if a crash wipes out other more recent items or progress going world-to-player. And since also you can totally disrespect collision boundaries with the right sequencing, in combination it seems like the tombstone could be floating there and just hidden inside the respawned Leviathan.


Local Viking
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Did you get the Leviathan to submerge when you went back, to check the bare ocean where it was? If that wasn't too long ago and you feel like it, you could make it swim off and see if there's a tombstone floating in the newly-vacated sea where it was?
Yes a good thought and I did try it. When we got to the location and (despite the grave marker on her map) we could see no gravestone (she died in the sea just OFF the Leviathan from drowning BTW) I hopped on it and made it submerge.

No Grave marker: so it had either disappeared in the crash and restore from old data, or as you say appeared somehow inside the Leviathan. Though it hadn't occurred to me that was a possibility at the time.

My instinct is that the thing just vanished when the server hick-upped. I mean a crash is a crash, by definition some things may not save right when it happened. It was just our bad luck the lost data contained such an important item on this occasion