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Patch 0.202.19

* Rebalanced hp/stamina on most foods ( more stamina on hp foods and more hp on stamina foods etc )
* Fixed tar-pit not spawning on dedicated-server worlds
* Slightly lower hp on Fulings & Fuling shamans
* Slightly easier to stagger Fulings
* Fixed issue with pressing I in server list while trying to filter servers
* Lower bow stamina use
* Cage wall 1x1 physics fix ( Already placed pieces will probably need to be repositioned )
* Boars now also eat blueberries, raspberries & mushrooms
* Chinese translation fix


New Viking
Reaction score
* Rebalanced hp/stamina on most foods ( more stamina on hp foods and more hp on stamina foods etc )

The increase from 5 to ~20 is merely not enough, why not bringing back old food HP/stamina values? Now you can't even run or shoot/swing weapons at all.