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Patch 0.217.6 (Public Test)

We hope you’re all having a fun time with Hildir’s Request so far! We’ve got a few miscellaneous fixes for you today which should hopefully make everything a bit smoother.

Patch notes:

Fixes & Improvements:
* Re-added missing Smelter hoover text
* All clothes sold from Hildir now only provide 1 armour
* Equipped items will no longer be moved when the “place stack” button is used
* Dead Raiser and Shield staff can now be upgraded to level 3
* Fixed AI updates behaving wrong (mobs should feel more responsive again)
* Spawners for Hildir mini-bosses now only appear in actual “Hildir dungeons”
* Tweaked Black forge extension Vice recipe
* Fixed descriptions for World modifier resource rate to correct 2->1.5 and 3->2 values, and added a x3 option
* Fixed an issue where Riding skill was not improving
* Fixed descriptions and typos in world modifiers
* Fixed misaligned text in connection panel
* Added resource rate options
* Added merch store button to main menu (Steam version only)
* World modifier tooltips should always be displayed correctly when hovering now
* Localization updated and tweaked some strings
* Some more ZDO null checks
* Skip intro is working again when using gamepad
* Fixed double selection in ingame menu when using controller


Local Viking
Reaction score
Any update on this one? Usually test realm stuff goes live in about a week - did y'all run into challenges or vacations?

(I hope it's vacations :D)


Local Viking
Reaction score
i got over 4300 hours in this game , i so excited for this patch to drop. i got some super good green i am saving and some friends ready to do a immersive -no portal no map run on hardmode!!! .. so excited!


New Viking
Reaction score
We hope you’re all having a fun time with Hildir’s Request so far! We’ve got a few miscellaneous fixes for you today which should hopefully make everything a bit smoother.
There's no need in boss marks in full immersion mode (without map). Maybe you'll add something like a compass into the game? Or it'll be better to add map, but to remove the player's location on it?

Also, can i can get the information about changing of the difficulty of fights? How much does NPS damage increase?
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